Between Wind and Water

Between Wind and Water Cut paper, wall paint, Sumi ink, 8 x 10 x 20 feet, 2013

In my research of storms and atmospheric systems I came across the phrase Between Wind and Water—a nautical term that means to be in a most vulnerable state.

I see hurricanes and other natural disasters as reminders of the precarious nature of our existence; these events make clear we teeter on the edge of this delicate balance. Still, humans reconstruct, reroute and reconfigure the landscape to serve our needs and desires, while ecosystems continue to regenerate through natural processes to replace what is damaged or lost.

Between Wind and Water began by recording the sounds of Hurricane Sandy with the notion to make sound visible—it developed through a series of investigations to reframe an auditory experience into a visual one. This installation redefines the phenomenon with an awareness of the fragile and precarious nature of our existence.